Sitemap - 2021 - The Land Desk
Give the gift of a year of Western insights
The Energy Transition and Public Lands, Part III
News Roundup: Bears Ears, Boebert, and Arches
The Energy Transition and Public Lands, Part II
The Energy Transition and Public Lands, Part I
Catchup on your Land Desk reading
Macho exhaust; Tejon Ranch; and more
Fed leasing review: raise royalties; ignore climate
The new New Deal is a pretty good deal
Land News: Fire season never ends, wacky water schemes, and more
The Blackest Week: A pandemic comes to Colorado's high country--in 1918
Redux: The rise of the land-healing industry
Rest day (with a handful of headlines)
Data Dump: Park #s + Housing + etc
On the poetry of Simon J. Ortiz
News Roundup: Climate, energy, oil, gas
Guest Post: Time for a Fresh Approach in Greater Yellowstone
Water Year 2021 Recap; Silverton bans OHVs
Six takeaways from the BENM and GSENM proclamations
Guest Post: Chaco Culture National Park is under siege
Glen Canyon's generating days are numbered
Your Turn: How to deal w/ overcrowded public lands?
Study: Dispersing recreation makes matters worse
House on Fire crowds and other bits and pieces
Images from a Four Corners road-trip
No, more national parks won't solve overcrowding
Glen Canyon Dam time-travel split-screen
News Roundup: Ditches, smoke, and population decline
Indigenous leaders call for oil and gas leasing reform
Study: fracking fouls surface water
Guest Post: Desecration in the Desert
News Roundup: There ain't enough water to go around
Coal companies harvest subsidy cash while the taxpayer gets stiffed
Neither fire, smoke, nor searing heat can stop the public land swarms
Lake Powell hits a record-low amid mega-monsoon
Visualizing water inequality--from space
How has the drought/heat affected you?
A tale of water inequality in the West
Data Dump: Oil and gas rebounds...
Oregon wildfire knocks out power line
Escape from climate change? Think again.
Mountain migration report paints bleak picture
News Roundup: It's all about the heat
A small Colorado town gets Trumped
Monday Thread: What does Summer Solstice mean to you?
Data Dump: Cows, cows, cows...
Explainer: Warming planet, failing grid
How I changed my mind about Bears Ears...
News Roundup: Nuke on its way to Wyoming
DATA DUMP: Methane Madness III
Data Dump: Hydropower dries up along with the rest of the West
News Roundup: Chaco buffer zone inadequate
Long-read: The Golden Goose Syndrome and the Train
Methane Madness II: When bitcoin and flaring meet
News Roundup: A look at 30 by 30
Wednesday Thread: What to do about inundation of public lands?
News Roundup: Mining law reform?
Dust, snow, and diminishing albedo
News Roundup: Bear attack, contextualized
BREAKING: Durango woman found dead after apparent bear attack
Birthing Rock petroglyph panel near Moab defaced
News Roundup: Biden picks BLM leader
The poster forest for timber greed
News Roundup: The end of energy dominance
Land Report: Dry, dusty, sublime ...
Friday Thread: Your car story (and mine)
News Roundup: Solar sovereignty
Snowpack peaks early--still kills
The rise of the Land-healing Industry
THREAD: Land Desk reporting trip guidance
News Roundup: Cannabis, carbon, clickbait
Data Dump: Wildlife Death Toll
News Roundup: Getting a handle on runaway recreation?
Oil, milkshakes, and DRAINAGE!
Data Dump: Mineral Leasing Act Overhaul?
News Roundup: Bears Ears swap anticipation
The mega-monument that almost was
Vanishing butterflies and solar scuffle
Carbon Capture Convolution (part II)
Your Turn: Solving the housing crisis
News Roundup: Chaining Reprieve
Carbon Capture Convolution (part I)
News Roundup: A look at Daines' opposition to Biden's Interior pick
Thread: Be the Land Desk assignment editor
Data Dump: The alfalfa question
COVID and industrial-scale tourism
R.S. 2477 and the Utah road-fetish
Much ado about a leasing pause
Data Dump: I can see clearly now...?
Data Dump: Keystone XL epitaph-by-the-numbers
News Roundup: Midnight Plunder