Regarding renaming the Burr Trail: You don’t have to live in Utah to voice your opinion on this awful idea.

Leland F. Pollock, Commission Chair

Phone: 435-616-2718

Email: leland.pollock@garfield.utah.gov

Jerry A. Taylor, Commissioner

Phone: 801-856-5566

Email: jerry.taylor@garfield.utah.gov

David B. Tebbs, Commissioner

Phone: 435-231-1272

Email: david.tebbs@garfield.utah.gov

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The three-person County Commission will hold a public meeting on Jan. 27 at 1:30 p.m. to hear from the community. Pollock said that a two-thirds vote would determine if the renaming proceeds.

Full KSL article: https://www.ksl.com/.../proposal-to-rename-burr-trail...

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Lefevre was a the county commissioner in Garfield County, not Wayne.

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Thanks! I thought so, but the NY Times article from 1983 said Wayne County. I'll fix it!

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This just makes me cringe. And kinda has me thinking about bringing a can of spray paint or a saw a la the Monkey Wrench Gang for any forthcoming signage that might be put up along the Burr Trail.

I have long been curious as to why Garfield County doesn't acknowledge or embrace the conservation and nature-based tourism that's so in demand along Hwy 12. Why isn't there one commissioner that's more inclined to conservation? A la San Juan County?

Sure, some of us gentiles dirtbag camp and backpack for a week or so. But then a front comes in with wind and rain/hail/snow and we drop our vacation coin in Escalante and Boulder - shopping at Griffin's, The Merc, Hills & Hollows, buying gear or books at the outfitters across the street from one another, and staying at an assortment of lodging institutions owned by old-school locals and newcomers. Oh and after a couple weeks in Garfield Co, I haul all my recyclables and sometimes my compost back to a municipality where they can hopefully be recycled (different topic).

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Also, this is a good reminder to make those annual donations to the orgs who help protect southern Utah from being chained, paved, and mined-over. Thank you Jonathon for all your work to keep tabs on these issues!

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Dear Lord, I haven't ever asked you for much, but I am praying that you do not allow the glorious Burr Trail to be re-named after you-know-who. That would be a sin. It would make it really difficult for me to ever again enjoy one of my favorite areas.

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It's nice to see the map of the Colorado River conservation corridor coming together.

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Re: Burgum, we Archaeology Southwest-ers heave a tortured sigh. Re: the road, the Helles must be THRILLED /sarcasm.

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Thanks for unpacking this weird designation and unloading your thoughts. As if Trump would actually get out of his golf cart and walk a few steps in this part of Murica.

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What's with those moron inbred commissioners in Garfield County? Is it something in the water? Did they all get dropped on their heads as babies? Repeatedly? What a pathetic gaggle of losers. Why they don't they just rename their place to Trump County? Maybe erect a five hundred foot gold-roofed Trump Prayer Tower?Those tools ought to have heavy duty kneepads sewn on all their trousers!

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Jan 17Edited

Bears Ears. It makes no sense. Now, Bear’s Ears, that I get.

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The Bear’s Ears, makes even more sense. Take a look from Douglas Mesa Rd. Heading north past the graded surface for some clarity.

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