Thanks for summarizing this batch of relatively good news! Was the quote from Boebert?

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Assessing that BLM’s move to Grand Junction makes sense is based on this premise of land “west of the Mississippi”… which has a limited logic and misses the cynicism we can reasonably attribute to what motivated the stunt, considering its source, ultimately, subjugation to entrenched extractive interests. Ascribing intent is subjective but raises the question of whether the Trump regime’s were so pure or just an extension of the con job, and that pernicious gift Trump has of perceiving a grievance and exploiting it fully.

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Curious as to your take on Trump's attempt to move BLM headquarters to Grand Junction. With almost 100% of BLM land west of the Mississippi it made sense. By the same token, It exposed the deep swap by virtue of the refusal of hundred's of employees refusal to move. It's my understanding that the work at home rules have left a lot of BLM offices in DC empty and we're still paying rent on GJ buildings. Great example of our tax dollars at work.

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